Annual officer elections were conducted at our last meeting on 12 April.
New York Spring VFW Conference in Binghamton, NY.
The Post’s Honor Guard conducts rifle salutes and plays Taps at military funerals throughout the region.
Building and Infrastructure Plan
Welcome to New Members
A final salute to great American veterans. You'll be sorely missed.
Post Needs
Hiring for New York City
This year the VFW celebrates 125 years of serving veterans.
Department Legislative Chairman Ann Marie Hogancamp has compiled the list of priorities this legislative year.
The VFW store has made a change in ordering Buddy Poppies in an effort to streamline the ordering and the processing of the Buddy Poppy orders. There is also a new Buddy Poppy that can be ordered.
There is a new voluntary process called the "Elective Option" to help veterans resolve qualifying claims
WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to join the nation in honoring our nation's Black American service member...
WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...
Wounded Warriors In Action (WWIA) RideWWIA Finger Lakes Chapter will host a 100 mile motorcycle ride on August 6, 2022 sponsored by VFW Post 6200. Proceeds to benefit WWIA Finger Lakes Chapter.Registration will begin at 9:30 am. Ride will start around 11:00 am. Contact Joe Stuck at (315) 952-0448.South Seneca High School 50 Year ReunionAugust 30, 2022, 4-9 PM, at VFW Post 6200.